Takisha Mundy, founder of “Bodied by Ki”joins Lisa & DJ and explains why her company makes people feel sexy in the skin they’re in (https://www.instagram.com/bodiedby_ki/?hl=en). Lisa & DJ shine the “restaurant spotlight” on Honeygrow (https://www.honeygrow.com). Laugh until you cry as you watch Lisa’s friends play the game “Blockbuster” - Pt 1. Today’s inspiring dinner conversation is “Sometimes, two are better than one. The Benefits of Partnership
Up Next in Season 1
Don’t Accept Disappointment As Defeat
The dynamic Dr. Jeff Vaisberg, DPT, stops by to discuss the strategies that Ivy Rehab uses to help with the healing process for their patients (https://www.ivyrehab.com/location/claymont-de). Do you want to know what restaurant received the “restaurant spotlight”? It’s none other than Five Guys (...
Delay Doesn’t Mean Denial
Join Lisa & DJ as they welcome Will & Kathy Laws, owners of Wills Affordable Pest Service (https://willspest.com). The restaurant spotlight is shining brightly on The Chicken Spot DE (The Chicken Spot DE is permanently closed but check out their other location, The Tattooed Pig (https://w...
Moving Forward
Antionette Blake, CEO of A. Blake Enterprises (https://ablakeenterprises.com) stops by to share some exciting news about her company. Lisa & DJ shine the “restaurant spotlight”on Burgers by Wildwich (https://wildwich.com). Cheer for today’s contestant as she plays, “Decades Trivia”. Today’s i...